Lecture 1: 09-11-2021

Location: Pi

Time: 15:45 - 17:30

color coded resistors

Goal of this lecture

At the end of this lecture the student:

  1. Understands the principle of amplification using passive devices and bias sources

  2. Understands the biasing of a BJT, FET or MOST with four bias sources

  3. Can relate the values of the two output port bias sources to the load drive requirements

  4. Can find the values of the two input bias sources for a given device with its output bias quantities

  5. Can transform the biasing with four sources into an equivalent circuit that requires maximally two power supply voltage sources



Introduction EE4109-2020-2021

MSc course EE4109 ‘Structured Electronic Design’ 2020-2021

A stepwise approach to the transistor-level design of application-specific amplifiers.


The presentation “Structured electronic design EE4109 2020-2021” shows:

  1. The course objectives

  2. The teaching method

  3. The means and the tools


EE4109 2020 1_1a Course information

Prerequisite knowledge EE4109-2021-2022

This course requires BSc level electrical engineering including the basic course “Structured Electronic Design” EE3C11.

Studends who did not follow the regular BSc program at the Delft University of Technology department EEMC are strongly recommended to study the homologation program

  1. Physical operating mechanisms and modeling of electronic devices

    • L, C, R, transformer, diode, BJT, JFET, MOST

  2. Systems, signals and information

    • Deterministic modeling of signals: Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform

    • Statistical modeling of signals: mean value, mean square value, correlation, power spectral density

    • Shannon: channel capacity

    • System properties and analysis techniques: linear, nonlinear, stationary, time-invariant, instantaneous, dynamic, stable, unstable

  3. Network theory

    • V-I relations, power dissipation and energy storage of basic network elements: C, L, R, independent sources, controlled sources, transformer, gyrator, nullor

    • Network theorems and analysis techniques: KVL, KCL, Thevenin, Norton, voltage shift, current redirection, substitution, superposition, reciprocity

    • Graph theory: Nodes, branches, loops, cut sets, trees, node-branch incidence matrix

    • Two-ports: representation methods (particularly the T1 matrix representation), unilateral, nonenergic

    • Estimation of poles and zeros in networks without feedback

  4. Structured electronic design EE3C11: see homologation program

Course program EE4109-2021-2022

MSc course EE4109 ‘Structured Electronic Design’ 2021-2022

A stepwise approach to the transistor-level design of application-specific amplifiers.


The presentation “Course program EE4109 2021-2022” gives a brief overview of this course.


EE4109 2020 1_1b Course information

Application description of the active antenna

The design theory presented in this course will be applied to the design of an active antenna in CMOS18 technology.


The “application description of the active antenna” is the starting point of the structured design process that we will execute in this course.


Design of an active antenna

Lumped-element model of a dipole antenna

On-semi notes on ESD

Modeling of transmission lines: Telegrapher’s equations

Principle of amplification


The presentation “Principle of amplification” shows the way in which a basic amplifier stage can be constructed with a “transresistance” device.


EE4109 2020 1_2 Principle of amplification


Chapter 3

Principle of amplification and biasing


There will be a poll “Principle of amplification and biasing”.


EE4109 2020 1_3 Poll Principle of amplification and biasing

Implementation of biasing


The presentation “Biasing implementation” elucidates methods to implement the biasing of a single-device amplifier stage.


EE4109 2020 1_4 Biasing implementation


Chapter 3, 9.4

Discussion results Quiz Biasing Techniques

The results of the quiz will be shared with the attendees.


The presentation “Quiz Biasing Techniques” briefly summarizes the related topics.


LTspice example circuits of biased CS stages using different techniques: CSstageBiasingTechniquesLTspice.zip


EE4109 2020 2_1 Discussion Results Quiz Biasing Techniques

EE4109 2020 2_2 Discussion BrightSPace Quiz Biasing Techniques


Chapter 3, 9: introduction to biasing (homologation program).
