Lecture 3: 16-11-2021

Location: Pi

Time: 15:45 - 17:30

color coded resistors

Goal of this lecture

At the end of this lecture the student should:

  1. Understand the small-signal dynamic behavior of a the intrinsic CS-stage and the CS stage between a souce and a load.

  2. Know the different ways of modeling this behavior with LTspice and SLICAP



Introduction to the CS stage

The common-source stage is considered the basic amplifier stage in CMOS technology.


The presentation “CS stage introduction” motivates the use of the CS stage as basic amplifier stage and summerizes the relevant performance aspects and design parameters of this stage.


EE4109 2020 3_1: CS stage introduction.

Design of the static and dynamic performance of a CS stage between source and load


The design and analysis of the static and the dynamic behavior of the CS stage will be demonstrated with the LTspice and SLiCAP simulation tools.

Download SLiCAP-CSstage.zip and LTspice-CSstage.zip for running the analysis yourself.

Please upgrade to the latest version of SLiCAP_python: Version 1.0.1 before running the CS stage script.


  1. EE4109 2020 3_7: Jupyter Notebook demo displaying device characteristics of CMOS18 transistors.

  2. EE4109 2020 3_8: Static and the dynamic behavior of CS stage demonstrated with LTspice.

  3. EE4109 2020 3_9: Static and the dynamic behavior of CS stage demonstrated with SLiCAP.


LTspice and SLiCAP files Chapter5.zip


Brightspace quiz: modeling and analysis of the small-signal dynamic behavior of the output stage of the active antenna.