Initial specifications
The initial noise specifications are summerized in the table below.
performance specification
Table performance specification symbol | description | value | units |
$L_{s}$ | Source inductance | $0.12$ | $\mathrm{H}$ |
$R_{s}$ | Source resistance | $875$ | $\mathrm{\Omega}$ |
$R_{t}$ | Termination resistance | $7547.0$ | $\mathrm{H}$ |
$V_{onoise}$ | DIN A weighted output voltage noise | $1.191 \cdot 10^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
$Vi_{ADC}$ | Peak-peak input voltage ADC | $0.9$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
$Vi_{pp}$ | Maximum peak-peak input voltage | $0.3215$ | |
$f_{fp}$ | Maximum full-power frequency | $5000$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$f_{max}$ | -3dB low-pass cut-off frequency | $6000$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$f_{min}$ | -3dB high-pass cut-off frequency | $300$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$\tau_{i}$ | Integration time constant | $1.59 \cdot 10^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{s}$ |
design specification
Table design specification symbol | description | value | units |
$SRCnoise$ | DIN A weighted RMS output noise, source + termination | $1.819 \cdot 10^{-6}$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
budgets specification
Table budgets specification symbol | description | value | units |
$n_{SRC}$ | Relative contribution of source to squared output noise | $0.02333$ | |
Updated specifications
After finishing this design step the updated specifications are:
design specification
Table design specification symbol | description | value | units |
$C_{i}$ | Required value of integrator capacitor | $3.18 \cdot 10^{-9}$ | $\mathrm{F}$ |
$I_{fb}$ | Maximum peak-peak current through feedback network | $8.044 \cdot 10^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{A}$ |
$R_{i}$ | Selected value of integrator resistor | $5000$ | $\mathrm{\Omega}$ |
$Ri_{max}$ | Max. value of integrator resistor | $7996$ | $\mathrm{\Omega}$ |
$SRCnoise$ | DIN A weighted RMS output noise, source + termination | $1.819 \cdot 10^{-6}$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
performance specification
Table performance specification symbol | description | value | units |
$L_{s}$ | Source inductance | $0.12$ | $\mathrm{H}$ |
$R_{s}$ | Source resistance | $875$ | $\mathrm{\Omega}$ |
$R_{t}$ | Termination resistance | $7547.0$ | $\mathrm{H}$ |
$V_{onoise}$ | DIN A weighted output voltage noise | $1.191 \cdot 10^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
$Vi_{ADC}$ | Peak-peak input voltage ADC | $0.9$ | $\mathrm{V}$ |
$Vi_{pp}$ | Maximum peak-peak input voltage | $0.3215$ | |
$f_{fp}$ | Maximum full-power frequency | $5000$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$f_{max}$ | -3dB low-pass cut-off frequency | $6000$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$f_{min}$ | -3dB high-pass cut-off frequency | $300$ | $\mathrm{Hz}$ |
$\tau_{i}$ | Integration time constant | $1.59 \cdot 10^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{s}$ |
budgets specification
Table budgets specification symbol | description | value | units |
$n_{Ri}$ | Max. contribution of R_i to the DIN A weighted squared output noise | $0.2$ | |
$n_{SRC}$ | Relative contribution of source to squared output noise | $0.02333$ | |