The numerator $N_s$ of the transfer function is found as:
\begin{equation} N_{s}=C^{2} s^{2} - \frac{1}{R^{2}} \end{equation}The denominator $D_s$ of the transfer function is found as:
\begin{equation} D_{s}=- C^{2} s^{2} - \frac{2 C s}{R} - \frac{1}{R^{2}} \end{equation}The transfer function $H_s$ is obtained as:
\begin{equation} H_{s}=\frac{- C R s + 1}{C R s + 1} \end{equation}DC gain = 1.000
pole | Re [Hz] | Im [Hz] | Mag [Hz] | Q |
p1 | -1.000e+4 | 1.000e+4 |
zero | Re [Hz] | Im [Hz] | Mag [Hz] | Q |
z1 | 1.000e+4 | 1.000e+4 |
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Last project update: 2022-03-07 19:48:16