

Circuit diagram

Circuit diagram of a first order all pass filter
Figure: allPass.svg
Circuit diagram of a first order all pass filter


  1. Obtain a symbolic expression for the transfer from V1 to the voltage between node p and node n.
  2. Plot the magnitude characteristic of this transfer with R=15.9k and C=1nF
  3. Plot the phase characteristic of this transfer with R=15.9k and C=1nF
  4. Plot the unit step response of this transfer with R=15.9k and C=1nF
  5. Print the poles and zeros of this transfer with R=15.9k and C=1nF
  6. Add a text paragraph in which you evaluate the obtained results

Put the above results in an HTML report, zip the HTML subdirectory of this project and upload it in Brightspace with the file name: <studentNumber>.zip

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SLiCAP: Symbolic Linear Circuit Analysis Program, Version 1.1 © 2009-2022 SLiCAP development team

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Last project update: 2022-03-07 19:48:16