=========================== Initialize a SLiCAP project =========================== You start SLiCAP by importing of the scripts and initialization of a python project: .. code-block:: python >>> from SLiCAP import * # This imports the SLiCAP scripts >>> prj = initProject('My SLiCAP project') # default PORT for socket communication with maxima CAS. >>> prj = initProject('My SLiCAP project', port=8099) # project-defined port for socket communication with maxima CAS is set to 8099. The function `initProlect() <../reference/SLiCAP.html#SLiCAP.SLiCAP.SLiCAPinitProject>` creates / updates the directory structure in the working directory. Directories once created will not be overwritten. The settings are stored in ``ini``: a `settings <../reference/SLiCAPini.html#SLiCAP.SLiCAPini.SLiCAPini.settings>`_ object. You can view these settings ny evoking the function ``ini.dump()``: .. code-block :: python >>> ini.dump() Below the output generated after executing ``myFisrtRCnetwork.py`` in the folder ``~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/`` under Linux: HOST.............. : Hz................ : True Laplace........... : s MaximaMatrixDim... : 25 MaximaTimeOut..... : 60 PORT.............. : 53118 assumePosMaxVars.. : True circuitPath....... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/cir/ csvPath........... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/csv/ defaultColors..... : ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] defaultLib........ : ~/SLiCAP/lib defaultMarkers.... : [''] disp.............. : 4 docPath........... : ~/SLiCAP/docs figureAxisHeight.. : 5 figureAxisWidth... : 7 figureFileType.... : svg frequency......... : f gainColors........ : {'gain': 'b', 'asymptotic': 'r', 'loopgain': 'k', 'direct': 'g', 'servo': 'm', 'vi': 'c'} htmlIndex......... : index.html htmlLabels.keys(). : [''] htmlPage.......... : htmlPages......... : ['index.html'] htmlPath.......... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/html/ htmlPrefix........ : imgPath........... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/img/ installPath....... : ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SLiCAP/ lambdifyTool...... : numpy lastUpdate........ : 2022-06-28 09:17:57.580901 latexPath......... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/tex/ legendLoc......... : best libraryPath....... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/lib/ ltspice........... : ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/XVIIx64.exe mathmlPath........ : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/mathml/ maxRecSubst....... : 12 maxima............ : maxima maximaHandler..... : netlist........... : lepton-netlist -g spice-noqsi notebook.......... : True plotFontSize...... : 12 projectPath....... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/ socket............ : True sphinxPath........ : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/sphinx/ stepFunction...... : True tableFileType..... : csv txtPath........... : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/txt/ userPath.......... : ~/SLiCAP Below the meaning of the variables. HOST ---- Loop back IP address for socket operation of Maxima CAS. **Default value** is '' Hz -- #. True: - The functions: findServoBandwidth(), listPZ and pz2html will return/display poles and zeros in [Hz]. - Frequency domain plots will have the frequency scale in [Hz]. - Pole-zero plots will have the frequency scale in [Hz]. #. False: the functions: findServoBandwidth(), listPZ and pz2html will return/display poles and zeros in [rad/s]. **Default value** is *True* Execution results of poles and zeros analysis are always in [rad/s]. Noise spectra always have the frequency scale in [Hz]. Laplace ------- Sympy symbol that will be used as Laplace variable. **Default value** is *sympy.Symbol('s')* MaximaMatrixDim --------------- Maximum number of rows or columns of the MNA matrix for which *maxima CAS* will use the *Gentleman-Johnson* method for determination of the determinant. Above this number *maxima CAS* is forced to use *recursive expansion of minors*. **Default value** is 25 MaximaTimeOut ------------- Many symbolic and numeric math functions are performed by *maxima CAS*. Currently the python subprocess module is used for this purpose. If for some reason *maxima CAS* required input that cannot be passed to this subprocess, the execution of this subprocess is times out after ``MaximaTimeOut`` seconds. **Default value** is 5 seconds PORT ---- Port number for socket communication with maxima. Can be set at the initialization of a project (> 8000). **Default value** is 81153 assumePosMaxVars ---------------- If true, symbols (except the Laplace variable) passed to maxima are assumed to be positive real numbers. If false, maxima may return questions during evaluation of integrals, limits and/or powers. **Default value** is *True* circuitPath ----------- Search path for schematic files and netlist files. **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. It will be used by: #. SLiCAPinstruction.instruction.checkCircuit() #. SLiCAPinstruction.instruction.setCircuit() #. SLiCAPprotos.circuit.checkCircuit() #. SLiCAP.makeNetlist(, ) #. SLiCAPhtml.netlist2html() csvPath ------- Search path for csv files. **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. It will be used by: #. SLiCAP_html.csv2html() #. SLiCAP_plots.csv2traces() defaultColors ------------- List with matplotlib color names that will be used for plotting multiple graphs on one axis. **Default value** is ['r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k']. defaultLib ---------- Search path for system library files with SPICE definitions of sub circuits and models. **Default value** is determined during installation. defaultMarkers -------------- List with matplotlib marker names to be used in plots. **Default value** is: [''] disp ---- Number of digits for displaying floats on html pages. **Default value** is: 4 docPath ------- Path to the SLiCAP html documentation **Default value** is determined during installation. figureAxisHeight ---------------- Height of a figure object (depends on DPI). **Default value** is 5 figureAxisWidth --------------- Width of a figure object (depends on DPI). **Default value** is 7 figureFileType -------------- File type for saving matplotlib figures (graphs). **Default value** is *svg* (scalable vector graphics). frequency --------- Sympy symbol used for frequency. **Default value** is *sympy.Symbol('f')*. gainColors ---------- Dictionary with gain types and associated colors for plotting. **Default value** is *{'gain': 'b', 'asymptotic': 'r', 'loopgain': 'k', 'direct': 'g', 'servo': 'm', 'vi': 'c'}*. htmlIndex --------- Active html index page. Links to new pages created with *htmlPage()* will be placed on this page. **Default value** directly after initialization of a project is *index.html*. htmlLabels.keys() ----------------- Keys of the dictionary with html labels that have been defined in this project. **Default value** is []. htmlPage -------- Active html page to which html output will be written. **Default value** is ''. htmlPages --------- List with html pages created in this project. **Default value** directly after initialization of a project is ['index.html']. htmlPath -------- Path to the html output generated by this project. **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. htmlPrefix ---------- Prefix that will be added to the html page file names. This string consists of the netlist file name + '_'. **Default value** directly after initialization of a project is ''. imgPath ------- Search path for img2html(). **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. installPath ----------- SLiCAP install path. **Default value** is determined during installation. lambdifyTool ------------ Tool for conversion of multivariate symbolic expressions to multivariate numeric functions. **Default value** "numpy" lastUpdate ---------- Last date/time of execution of the project. **Default value** is the date time directly after initialization of the project. latexPath --------- Path for exporting LaTeX output (not used in current version). **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. legendLoc --------- Location of legend on plots. **Default value** is *best*. libraryPath ----------- Path to user libraries with definitions of sub circuits and models. **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. ltspice ------- Path to LTspice executable (required for makeNetlist(). **Default value** is automatically determined during installation. mathml ------ Setting for math output in html pages (not yet implemented) **Default value** is *False*. mathmlPath ---------- Path for exporting mathml output (not used in current version). **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. maxRecSubst ----------- Setting for maximum number of recursisve substitutions. **Default value** is 12. maxima ------ Command for running maxima CAS. **Default value** is determined during installation. netlist ------- Command for generating a netlist from a *'.sch'* schematic file. **Default value** is determined during installation. normalize --------- Setting for normalization of rational functions. If *True*, the coefficient of the lowest order of the denominator will be normalized to unity. **Default value** True notebook -------- Will be set to *True* if SLiCAP runs from an ipython environment (some additional scripts will be loaded). **Default value** is *False*. plotFontSize ------------ Font size used in plots. **Default value** is 12. projectPath ----------- Path to the project files for the current project. **Default value** is determined during the initialization of a project. socket ------ True for Maxima CAS socket communication. False for Maxima CAS subprocess communication. **Default value** is *True*. stepFunction ------------ Setting for parameter stepping. #. True The determinant of a matrix is calculated using symbolic step variable(s). #. False Numeric values of step variable(s) are substituted in the matrices before calculation of the determinant. This can be faster if many step variables are used. **Default value** is *True*. tableFileType ------------- File extension for *comma seperated value* table files. **Default value** is *csv*. txtPath ------- Search path for importing text files with *text2html()*. **Default value** is defined in *SLiCAPconfig.py* in the project directory. userPath -------- Install path for libraries and documentation. **Default value** is *~/SLiCAP*.