
SLiCAP module with user-defined path settings.

Default values:

>>> PROJECTPATH = None      # Leave it for automatic detection
>>> # PATHS: relative to the project path
>>> HTMLPATH    = 'html/'   # path for html output
>>> CIRCUITPATH = 'cir/'    # path for .asc, .net, .cir, .sch files
>>> LIBRARYPATH = 'lib/'    # path for include and library files
>>> TXTPATH     = 'txt/'    # path for text files
>>> CSVPATH     = 'csv/'    # path for CSV files
>>> LATEXPATH   = 'tex/'    # path for LaTeX output
>>> MATHMLPATH  = 'mathml/' # path for mathML output
>>> IMGPATH     = 'img/'    # path for image files
>>> SPHINXPATH  = 'sphinx/' # path for Sphinx output