
htmlPage('Select components');

text2html(['The table below is based on top-level requirements and ', ...

'generated by SLiCAP.']);

head2html('Summary of requirements');


% Numeric types like integer and double are converted to a string with:

% num2str

% Symbolic types are converted to a string using char(vpa(..., 3));

Vopp = num2str(PR.R10.value*(PR.R6.value+PR.R7.value)/PR.R7.value);

Iopp = num2str(PR.R11.value);

SRV = num2str(PR.R12.value*1e-6);

Sv = char(vpa(sqrt(Svmax)*10^9, 3));

Si = char(vpa(sqrt(Simax)*10^15, 3));

Ci = 4e-12;

G_B = char(vpa(subs(GBmin, C_i, Ci)*1e-6, 3));

ci = num2str(Ci*10^12);

VP = num2str(CF.R1.value);

RB = char(vpa(RBmin*10^-6, 3));

Cc = char(vpa(Ccmin*10^9, 3));


fid = fopen('csv/opamp.csv', 'w');

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', 'name, description, value, units');

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$V_{pp}$, minimum OpAmp peak-to-peak output voltage, ', Vopp, ' , V']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$V_{pp}$, minimum OpAmp peak-to-peak output current, ', Iopp, ' , A']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$SR$, minimum OpAmp voltage slew rate, ', SRV, ', V/us']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$S_v$, maximum OpAmp input voltage noise spectral density, ', Sv,', nV/rt(Hz)']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$S_i$, maximum OpAmp input current noise spectral density, ', Si,', fA/rt(Hz)']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$C_i$, maximum OpAmp input capacitance, ', ci,', pF']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$GB$, minimum OpAmp GB product with $C_i$, ', G_B, ', MHz']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$V_P$, maximum OpAmp supply voltage, ', VP, ', V']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$R_B$, minimum bias resistance, ', RB, ', MOhm']);

fprintf(fid,'%s\n', ['$C_c$, minimum output coupling capacitance, ', Cc, ', nF']);






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SLiCAP: Symbolic Linear Circuit Analysis Program, Version 0.6 © 2009-2020 Anton Montagne

For documentation, examples, support, updates and courses please visit: