SLiCAP project: Active Antenna

Table of contents

  1. Application description
  2. antenna
  3. OPS and OTS
  4. ConfigAB1_A
  5. ConfigAB1_B
  6. ConfigAB2_A
  7. ConfigAB2_B
  8. ConfigCD1_C
  9. ConfigCD1_D
  10. ConfigCD2_C
  11. ConfigCD2_D
  12. Configurations
  13. noiseBudgets
  14. noiseBudgets.m
  15. biasConcept
  16. biasConcept.m
  17. V-I drive budgets
  18. GBproductBudget
  19. GBproductBudget.m
  20. Select components
  21. selectComponents.m
  22. ADA4817
  23. ADA4817Zout
  24. frequencyCompensation
  25. frequencyCompensation.m

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SLiCAP: Symbolic Linear Circuit Analysis Program, Version 0.6 © 2009-2020 Anton Montagne

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