Initialize a SLiCAP project

You start SLiCAP by importing of the scripts and initialization of a python project:

>>> from SLiCAP import * # This imports the SLiCAP scripts
>>> prj = initProject('My SLiCAP project') # default PORT for socket communication with maxima CAS.

>>> prj = initProject('My SLiCAP project', port=8099) # project-defined port for socket communication with maxima CAS is set to 8099.

The function initProlect() <../reference/SLiCAP.html#SLiCAP.SLiCAP.SLiCAPinitProject> creates / updates the directory structure in the working directory. Directories once created will not be overwritten.

The settings are stored in ini: a settings object. You can view these settings ny evoking the function ini.dump():

>>> ini.dump()

Below the output generated after executing in the folder ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/ under Linux:

HOST………….. : Hz……………. : True Laplace……….. : s MaximaMatrixDim… : 25 MaximaTimeOut….. : 60 PORT………….. : 53118 assumePosMaxVars.. : True circuitPath……. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/cir/ csvPath……….. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/csv/ defaultColors….. : [‘r’, ‘b’, ‘g’, ‘c’, ‘m’, ‘y’, ‘k’] defaultLib…….. : ~/SLiCAP/lib defaultMarkers…. : [‘’] disp………….. : 4 docPath……….. : ~/SLiCAP/docs figureAxisHeight.. : 5 figureAxisWidth… : 7 figureFileType…. : svg frequency……… : f gainColors…….. : {‘gain’: ‘b’, ‘asymptotic’: ‘r’, ‘loopgain’: ‘k’, ‘direct’: ‘g’, ‘servo’: ‘m’, ‘vi’: ‘c’} htmlIndex……… : index.html htmlLabels.keys(). : [‘’] htmlPage………. : htmlPages……… : [‘index.html’] htmlPath………. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/html/ htmlPrefix…….. : imgPath……….. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/img/ installPath……. : ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/SLiCAP/ lambdifyTool…… : numpy lastUpdate…….. : 2022-06-28 09:17:57.580901 latexPath……… : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/tex/ legendLoc……… : best libraryPath……. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/lib/ ltspice……….. : ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/LTC/LTspiceXVII/XVIIx64.exe mathmlPath…….. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/mathml/ maxRecSubst……. : 12 maxima………… : maxima maximaHandler….. : <SLiCAP.SLiCAPpythonMaxima.SLiCAPpythonMaxima.maximaHandler object at 0x7ff834057820> netlist……….. : lepton-netlist -g spice-noqsi notebook………. : True plotFontSize…… : 12 projectPath……. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/ socket………… : True sphinxPath…….. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/sphinx/ stepFunction…… : True tableFileType….. : csv txtPath……….. : ~/SLiCAP/examples/myFirstRCnetwork/txt/ userPath………. : ~/SLiCAP

Below the meaning of the variables.


Loop back IP address for socket operation of Maxima CAS.

Default value is ‘’


  1. True:

    • The functions: findServoBandwidth(), listPZ and pz2html will return/display poles and zeros in [Hz].

    • Frequency domain plots will have the frequency scale in [Hz].

    • Pole-zero plots will have the frequency scale in [Hz].

  2. False: the functions: findServoBandwidth(), listPZ and pz2html will return/display poles and zeros in [rad/s].

Default value is True

Execution results of poles and zeros analysis are always in [rad/s].

Noise spectra always have the frequency scale in [Hz].


Sympy symbol that will be used as Laplace variable.

Default value is sympy.Symbol(‘s’)


Maximum number of rows or columns of the MNA matrix for which maxima CAS will use the Gentleman-Johnson method for determination of the determinant. Above this number maxima CAS is forced to use recursive expansion of minors.

Default value is 25


Many symbolic and numeric math functions are performed by maxima CAS. Currently the python subprocess module is used for this purpose. If for some reason maxima CAS required input that cannot be passed to this subprocess, the execution of this subprocess is times out after MaximaTimeOut seconds.

Default value is 5 seconds


Port number for socket communication with maxima. Can be set at the initialization of a project (> 8000).

Default value is 81153


If true, symbols (except the Laplace variable) passed to maxima are assumed to be positive real numbers. If false, maxima may return questions during evaluation of integrals, limits and/or powers.

Default value is True


Search path for schematic files and netlist files.

Default value is defined in in the project directory.

It will be used by:

  1. SLiCAPinstruction.instruction.checkCircuit(<netlist file name>)

  2. SLiCAPinstruction.instruction.setCircuit(<netlist file name>)

  3. SLiCAPprotos.circuit.checkCircuit(<netlist file name>)

  4. SLiCAP.makeNetlist(<schematics file name>, <circuit title>)

  5. SLiCAPhtml.netlist2html(<netlist file name>)


Search path for csv files.

Default value is defined in in the project directory.

It will be used by:

  1. SLiCAP_html.csv2html(<csv file name>)

  2. SLiCAP_plots.csv2traces(<csv file name>)


List with matplotlib color names that will be used for plotting multiple graphs on one axis.

Default value is [‘r’, ‘b’, ‘g’, ‘c’, ‘m’, ‘y’, ‘k’].


Search path for system library files with SPICE definitions of sub circuits and models.

Default value is determined during installation.


List with matplotlib marker names to be used in plots.

Default value is: [‘’]


Number of digits for displaying floats on html pages.

Default value is: 4


Path to the SLiCAP html documentation

Default value is determined during installation.


Height of a figure object (depends on DPI).

Default value is 5


Width of a figure object (depends on DPI).

Default value is 7


File type for saving matplotlib figures (graphs).

Default value is svg (scalable vector graphics).


Sympy symbol used for frequency.

Default value is sympy.Symbol(‘f’).


Dictionary with gain types and associated colors for plotting.

Default value is {‘gain’: ‘b’, ‘asymptotic’: ‘r’, ‘loopgain’: ‘k’, ‘direct’: ‘g’, ‘servo’: ‘m’, ‘vi’: ‘c’}.


Active html index page. Links to new pages created with htmlPage() will be placed on this page.

Default value directly after initialization of a project is index.html.


Keys of the dictionary with html labels that have been defined in this project.

Default value is [].


Active html page to which html output will be written.

Default value is ‘’.


List with html pages created in this project.

Default value directly after initialization of a project is [‘index.html’].


Path to the html output generated by this project.

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


Prefix that will be added to the html page file names. This string consists of the netlist file name + ‘_’.

Default value directly after initialization of a project is ‘’.


Search path for img2html().

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


SLiCAP install path.

Default value is determined during installation.


Tool for conversion of multivariate symbolic expressions to multivariate numeric functions.

Default value “numpy”


Last date/time of execution of the project.

Default value is the date time directly after initialization of the project.


Path for exporting LaTeX output (not used in current version).

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


Location of legend on plots.

Default value is best.


Path to user libraries with definitions of sub circuits and models.

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


Path to LTspice executable (required for makeNetlist().

Default value is automatically determined during installation.


Setting for math output in html pages (not yet implemented)

Default value is False.


Path for exporting mathml output (not used in current version).

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


Setting for maximum number of recursisve substitutions.

Default value is 12.


Command for running maxima CAS.

Default value is determined during installation.


Command for generating a netlist from a ‘.sch’ schematic file.

Default value is determined during installation.


Setting for normalization of rational functions. If True, the coefficient of the lowest order of the denominator will be normalized to unity.

Default value True


Will be set to True if SLiCAP runs from an ipython environment (some additional scripts will be loaded).

Default value is False.


Font size used in plots.

Default value is 12.


Path to the project files for the current project.

Default value is determined during the initialization of a project.


True for Maxima CAS socket communication. False for Maxima CAS subprocess communication.

Default value is True.


Setting for parameter stepping.

  1. True

    The determinant of a matrix is calculated using symbolic step variable(s).

  2. False

    Numeric values of step variable(s) are substituted in the matrices before calculation of the determinant. This can be faster if many step variables are used.

Default value is True.


File extension for comma seperated value table files.

Default value is csv.


Search path for importing text files with text2html().

Default value is defined in in the project directory.


Install path for libraries and documentation.

Default value is ~/SLiCAP.