21-02-2023: Electronics 2

Date: Tuesday, February 21 2023

Location: Pi

Time: 10:45 - 12:30

color coded resistors

Question of the day

How to create a model for the hearing loop antennas that can be used for designing the hearing loop system?

Introduction to SLiCAP

An interactive lecture about the analysis of linear dynamic systems with SLiCAP.

SLiCAP python


The presentation “SLiCAP: an open source symbolic network simulator” introduces the essentials of symbolic and numeric analysis in with SLiCAP.

  1. Installation under Linux or under MSwindows with Anaconda

  2. Running SLiCAP

    • Create input with a text editor and run it in a terminal

    • Run SLiCAP from within a python IDE (Spyder)

    • Run SLiCAP in a Jupyter Notebook

    • Study the tutorial: myFirstRCnetwork.


  1. EE3C11 2021 1 4 SLiCAP Introduction

  2. EE3C11 2021 1 5 SLiCAP Install Demonstration

Hearing loop system design

  1. Start a SLiCAP project

  2. Derive specifications from initial project description

  3. Include antenna system model and specifications

  4. Design a lumped (parametric) network model of the transmit-receive antenna system

  5. Determine the parameters of this model


  1. Study and understand the modeling and characterization of the antenna system discussed in this lecture.

  2. Prepare the next lecture: Chapter 2.