18-02-2025: Electronics 2#

Date: Tuesday February 18 2025

Location: Flux Hall B (

Time: 10:45 - 12:30

color coded resistors

Question of the day

How to model and characterize the transfer of the hearing loop antenna system?

Introduction to SLiCAP#

An interactive lecture about the analysis of linear dynamic systems with SLiCAP.

  • SLiCAP is an acronym for: S ymbolic Li near C ircuit A nalysis P rogram

    SLiCAP is a an open source application written in Python, originally created by Anton J.M. Montagne and used in teaching Structured Electronic Design at the Delft University of Technology. SLiCAP Version 3.2 is distributed under the MIT license.

  • SliCAP is a tool for algorithmic analog design automation

    SLiCAP is intended for setting up and solving design equations of electronic circuits.

    Circuit modeling and symbolic analysis yields expressions in which performance parameters or cost factors are written in terms of circuit design parameters.

    Equating such expressions with target values for the performance parameter or cost factor of interest, results in design equations in which design parameters are written in terms of performance parameters and cost factors. Structured Electronic design offers methods and techniques for stepwise (top-down) setting-up and solving such equations, thereby increasing the level of detailing at each child level, while keeping the number of design parameters as low as possible.

Hearing loop system design#

We will present the result of the homework from the previous lecture.

  1. Completion and grouping of the target specifications from the hearing loop system

  2. Modeling of the transfer of the hearing loop antenna system and determination of the coupling factor



  1. Study and understand the modeling and characterization of the antenna system discussed in this lecture.

  2. Prepare the next lecture: Chapter 2.