02-04-2024: Electronics 14#
Date: Tuesday, April 2 2024
Location: Chip
Time: 10:45 - 12:30
Putting it all together: a complete design example#
Design example "My First Voltage Amplifier"

Download the poster: myFirstVamp.pdf
Power supply decoupling. This demonstration illustrates the occurrence of resonance peaks in power supply lines due to incorrect decoupling.
Download the SLiCAP archive supplyDecoupling.zip.
View the HTML output
Recap and lab preparation#
SLiCAP files hearing loop system: Lecture10.zip
See also the HTML report SLiCAP Hearing Loop Project -10-
The SLiCAP files use the show-stopper value of the transmitter drive current. In your own calculations you should use a larger transnmitter current, large enough to obtain the required signal-to-noise ratio at the output of the hearing loop system.