17-03-2025: Electronics 10#
Date: Monday, March 17 2025
Location: Flux Hall A (
Time: 10:45 - 12:30
Question of the day
How do we fix the operating conditions of the controller?
Knowledge Test#
Press the button(s) below to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered this lecture.
Homework previous lecture#
SLiCAP files hearing loop system modeling of the small-signal dynamic behavior of the TLV4111: Lecture9.zip
See also the HTML report SLiCAP Hearing Loop Project -9-
Introduction to biasing#
Biasing of operational amplifiers
Operational amplifiers are commonly used as controllers in feedback circuits. In order to operate, they should be biased properly.
The presentation "Biasing of operational amplifiers" shows the biasing quantities that should establish the proper operating conditions for operational amplifiers.
Presentation in parts
Biasing of operational amplifiers (parts)
EE3C11 lecture 10: Biasing of operational amplifier circuits.
Chapter 8
Biasing example#
Biasing example
The presentation "Amplifier Biasing Example" presents a stepwise approach to the design of the biasing circuitry of an amplifier.
Presentation in parts
Amplifier Biasing Example (parts)
EE3C11 lecture 10: Amplifier Biasing Example.
Chapter 9.1, 9.2
Analysis and budgeting of biasing errors
The presentation "Analysis and budgeting of biasing errors" presents simplified statistical techniques for budgeting of biasing errors.
Presentation in parts
Analysis and budgeting of biasing errors (parts)
EE3C11 lecture 10: Analysis and Budgeting of Biasing Errors.
Chapter 9.3
Design a biasing solution for the receiver circuit, you can use single power supply of 5V.
Determine the requirements for the operational amplifier in the receiver circuit, considering this biasing solution.
Design a biasing solution for the transmitter circuit, you can use single power supply of 5V.
Determine the requirements for the operational amplifier in thetransmitter circuit, considering this biasing solution.
Can the TLV4111 be applied for this purpose?