Basic Knowledge

Physics and modeling of linear, time-invariant, dynamic systems

Physics and modeling of linear, time-invariant, dynamic systems


The presentation “Physics and modeling of linear time-invariant dynamic systems” briefly discusses the physical meaning of poles and zeros and the modeling of lumped linear time-invariant dynamic systems.

Pesentation in parts

Physics and modeling of linear time-invariant dynamic systems (parts)


  1. EE3C11 lecture 6 1: Physics and modeling of linear time-invariant dynamic systems

  2. EE3C11 lecture 6 2: Poles and Zeros

  3. EE3C11 lecture 6 3: Pole-Zero Plots

  4. EE3C11 lecture 6 4: Impulse and Step Response

  5. EE3C11 lecture 6 5: Characterization of LTD systems


Chapter 18

Estimation of poles and zeros of electrical networks

Introduction poles and zeros

Poles and zeros are used to describe the dynamic behavior of lumped linear time-invariant dynamic systems.


The presentation “Physics and modeling of linear(ized) time-invariant dynamic systems” briefly discusses the physical meaning of poles and zeros and the modeling of lumped linear time-invariant dynamic systems.

Presentation in parts

Introduction poles and zeros (parts)


  1. Physics and modeling of Linearized time invariant dynamic systems (4:24)

  2. Poles and Zeros, Companion Matrix, PZ Plots , Impulse and Step Response (5:26)


Chapter 18

Network Analysis


The presentation “Topics from network theory” briefly summarizes the nodal analysis method and the modified nodal analysis method. It introduces the time-constant matrix that will be used as a basis for estimation of poles and zeros of electrical networks.

More presentations

  1. NodalAnalysis-parts.pdf

  2. ModifiedNodalAnalysis-parts.pdf

  3. PolesZerosIntro-parts.pdf

  4. PZestimation-parts.pdf


  1. Topics from network theory (11:14)

  2. Estimation of poles and zeros of the oscilloscope probe (3:36)


Chapter 18

Poles and zeros of an electrical network

The poles of a network can be found as the eigenvalues of the time-constant matrix. This matrix can be derived from the MNA matrix, or simply be found from network inspection.


The presentation “Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback” Shows the way in which poles and zeros of electrical networks can be estimated with the aid of the time-constant matrix.

Presentation in parts

Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback (parts)


  1. Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback, Resistance Matrix (2:27)

  2. Estimation of poles and zeros of networks without feedback (9:02)

  3. EE3C11 lecture 6 Estimating Poles and Zeros: Probe_example


  1. Poles and Zeros


  1. Probe project


Chapter 18
